Global Learning and Internationalization Institute

In an effort to support and align with the University’s Strategic Plan 2021-2031 Shaping What’s Next and UNC Charlotte’s newly awarded R1 classification of Research 1 status the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education, OIP is offering this annual faculty development initiative focused on campus global learning and internationalization efforts.

The purpose of the GLII is three-fold. Participation in the Institute will:

  1. Support faculty in developing goals and plans for internationalizing their teaching/curriculum and/or research agenda based on what they learned
  2. Facilitate the formation of an international education and global learning community of practice
  3. Empower faculty to create high-impact practices, international/global learning experiences and opportunities for all students on campus and abroad

The 2025 Global Learning and Internationalization Institute will take place in person May 12-16, 2025. We are accepting application until Friday April 4, 2025. 2024-2025 GLII Community of Practice events will be announced and posted on this website.

Forming a Community of Practice

GLII is an annual program to support and sustain internationalization efforts through the continued collaboration and engagement among the participant cohorts. OIP’s vision of the program consists of a week-long intensive summer institute including selected follow-up activities during the academic year. The cohorts of faculty members who complete the Institute and implement their internationalized teaching and research plans will be invited to serve as mentors for future Institute participants, augmenting our faculty advocates and champions of internationalization at UNC Charlotte.

Below are two 2022 participant accounts of their experience:

“I was able to develop a Globally Networked Learning (GNL) course after attending the GLII. Doctoral nursing students from S. Africa, Nigeria and the U.S. collaborated to identify how a global health problem was dealt with in their countries. Students introduced themselves through the “culturally You” diagram. Students completed the Intercultural Sensitivity Scale pre- and post-course and submitted reflections. They presented PowerPoint presentations to over 80 attendees on human trafficking, climate change, rural nursing, food deserts, and childhood vaccinations. Faculty are collaborating with students to disseminate their findings.”

“The GLII provided me with language to articulate the meaning of intercultural competence, validation of already existing efforts, and awareness of my next steps towards intercultural learning personally and professionally. I modified my curriculum to increase my students’ engagement locally and globally through a project with students in Argentina titled – More than a Train Ride: a socio-linguistic exploration of where Spanish services and resources reside along Charlotte’s light-rail system.”

OIP and key faculty and staff members will collaborate with other University departments such as the Division of Research and the Center for Teaching and Learning to enhance and increase collaboration across campus to support these efforts.

View GLII’s impact and faculty achievements here.

Program Evaluation

It is our intention to capture the outcomes of the Institute before, during and after the week-long Institute through the application process, questionnaires, collection of faculty plans, and follow-up activities throughout the academic year.

Faculty Workshop
