International Education Week 2024

From November 18th to 22, UNC Charlotte’s Office of International Programs led the campus in celebrating International Education Week. This commemorative week highlights international education through planning and facilitating various events across campus.
Students, faculty, and staff had the opportunity to immerse themselves in different cultures, learn about study abroad programs, and network with international students and scholars through attending film screenings, cultural workshops, information sessions, dance lessons and other unique cultural experiences such as a Chinese watercolor painting class and a Moroccan Tea Ceremony.
A highlight of the week was the International Education Celebration, where outstanding students, faculty and staff were honored for their contributions to international education in our community. MBA student Wei “William” Lin received the Student International Education Award; Tamara Williams, Associate Professor of Dance and Director of Undergraduate Studies, received the Faculty International Education Award and Jessica Kim and Suzanne Voigt, Ph.D. from the Career Center received the inaugural Staff International Education Award. These awards honor the dedication that students, faculty and staff have to strengthening international education on our campus.
The event also recognized education abroad faculty leaders and student scholarship recipients as well as the winners of the Marian Beane Crossing Borders student writing competition, a competitive writing competition open to graduate, undergraduate and English language learners endowed by a retired long-time OIP staff member.
The success of International Education Week 2024 demonstrates the university’s commitment to preparing students to thrive in an increasingly interconnected world. Thank you to all of our campus partners who organized events and to the community for showing up, with over 1,000 attendees participating in events throughout the week.