Celebrating Excellence in International Education: Phi Beta Delta Mu Chapter Induction Ceremony

In November 2023, the University of North Carolina at Charlotte witnessed a celebration of academic achievement and global engagement as Phi Beta Delta held its prestigious induction ceremony.
The esteemed Mu Chapter at UNC Charlotte’s Office of International Programs received the honor of being invited to join the Phi Beta Delta Honor Society in 1987 as a charter member. Its establishment took place at the inaugural conference of the Society, also in 1987. Since its inception, the Mu Chapter has faithfully conducted annual inductions of members, maintaining a tradition of excellence and commitment to fostering international understanding and collaboration.
UNC Charlotte’s Mu Chapter has distinguished itself by being awarded the prestigious Phi Beta Delta “Outstanding Chapter Award” on four occasions: in 1995, 2004, 2010, and most recently in 2022. These accolades reflect the chapter’s continuous dedication to promoting global awareness and engagement within the university community.
The November induction ceremony marked the enrollment of new members, honored active members, and extended recognition to distinguished individuals in the field of international education. This year’s ceremony welcomed a cohort of esteemed faculty and administrators into the Phi Beta Delta community, representing diverse departments across the university. From Political Science and Public Administration to the Office of School and Community Partnerships, these dedicated professionals embody a wide spectrum of disciplines united by their commitment to nurturing international understanding and collaboration.